الأربعاء، 1 ديسمبر 2010

where was the caliph Abu Bakr

at the time when his generals are conquering Iraq and Syria, where was the commander in Chief caliph Abu Bakr??
In one of the suburbs of Madina there lived a blind old women who had no one to help her. Umar used to go to the house of the old woman, but was always surprised to find that some one else has supplied the wants of the old lady. Umar felt much distressed that in this noble task of helping a lady in distress his efforts were always frustrated by some other person. He felt curious as to who that person could be who beat him in the field of social service.
One day, Umar went to the house of the old woman earlier than usual and hid himself to watch as to who was the person who attended to the wants of the old woman. Umar did not have to wait long for soon a man arrived who attended to the needs of the old woman, and this man was none other than the Caliph Abu Bakr.  Umar felt relieved that if in the matter of social service he had been beaten by any one, such person was the Caliph Abu Bakr.
  as well as his kidness Abu Bakr he was very courageous " On the day of the battle of Badr, when no one was forthcoming to stand guard at the pavilion where the Holy Prophet prayed, Abu Bakr stood with his sword and did not allow the enemy to come near the site."

هناك تعليق واحد:

  1. Good thing they didn't live in Saudi Arabia today. I remember a story a few months ago about some young men getting arrested for helping out an old lady because she wasn't related to them. :-(
